Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2015 11:39:48 -0700
From: Chaim Gingold
Subject: Re: dynamic spice rack, or: spice must flow
I like this a lot. I wonder about annotating my kitchen workspace so that it seems to become a living Picture Cook illustration.

On Jul 27, 2015, at 1:05 PM, Glen Chiacchieri wrote:

I finally got around to adding a spice rack to my kitchen using velcro:

<2015-07-24 21.24.25.jpg>

Usually I find "doing recipes" to be the last refuge of technologies desperate for applications, but I was wondering what "dynamic spatial cooking" means. I find something kind of awkward in the way I cook with recipes today, which is to keep squinting at the recipe on my phone or laptop to see what steps are next. Seems to be against the inherently spatial (and social!) experience of cooking.

I'm reminded of Katie Shelly's wonderful Picture Cook, which is in the library. Maybe something like this:

(excuse the made-up recipe and spice amounts)

The recipe is displayed prominently somewhere in the space so multiple people can see and work on things at the same time. (This is, I realize now, one of the genius parts of Picture Cook. All the dependencies are shown graphically instead of in prose so you know roughly what needs to happen when.) Ingredients could be annotated with how much you need of each and maybe are crossed-off once you complete a step.

Taking this further, I think comments on recipe sites are pretty helpful! Lots of people report experiments they tried and suggestions for how to make a tastier dish. Instead of hiding those possibilities in the comments section, I could imagine making them browsable in the space somehow, maybe like this:


You could flip through these and maybe it could highlight the differences between the ingredients, cooking times, etc. I'm reminded of Bret's Time & Possibility chart.