Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 16:02:14 -0700
From: Glen Chiacchieri
Subject: What does dynamic material feel like?
After reading The Hand by Frank Wilson (and thinking about Bret's rant), I began to wonder what dynamic material would feel like. What other things are dynamic?

Water is dynamic. You can splash, push, and pull it...

Inline image 2

...and it can splash, push, and pull you:

Inline image 3

Animals are also dynamic. You can interact with them...

Inline image 5

...but they have a will of their own:

Inline image 4

Video is a moving, living thing:

Robert and others have tried to flatten it so we can experience something that would be impossible while it was still dynamic:

I was trying to imagine what holding a video would feel like. The first thing I thought of was this:

But then I wondered what a video grid would feel like. Using the laser cutter, I engraved a piece of particleboard with our favorite test video:

Inline image 6

The intended interaction is to run your finger along the groove, playing the video. I don't know if I'll ever get around to that, but it's nice to feel something in the meantime, even if it is kind of nasty particleboard.