Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 14:59:13 -0700
From: Robert M Ochshorn
Subject: Books (reading, writing)
1. DanyQ will bring the newest Linear Book Scanner prototype to CDG on Thursday afternoon, and will give us a five-minute presentation about it (that I think you’ll very much enjoy) at 1:30pm. The scanner will be available at CDG throughout the afternoon/evening in case there are any books you’d like to scan (not too big, not too small).

2. I made a few books on Saturday.

I’ll leave Illuminations (backwards) around the library for a few days. It is the most complete of the books I attempted—bound and with a cover—though its contents are somewhat non-sensical (the second half of Illuminations, in reverse order):

Note the golden edges (from laser-cutting the pages) and the reversed page numbers:

I used a perfect binding technique on individually-cut pages, using a ph-neutral glue:

I also started making some bootlegs with a writer-friend’s fiction and non-fiction PDF canon—so much nicer than a directory of PDFs!

Some scrappy notes are in the laser cutter journal. I think I have better (ideas for) technique by now. (video, 8sec, 500kb)