Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 20:43:55 -0500
From: Dave Cerf
Subject: Re: Edlund on analog versus digital
I also wondered (but didn’t look around much) how to easily transcribe the interview: is there an equivalent to OpenCV for speech? I know the Mac has built-in dictation, so maybe I could wrangle that somehow.

There’s an insidious, awful, project called “pocketsphinx" that shows up everywhere you go looking for open source speech recognition.

I’ve always puzzled over why sound seems to be a less explored perceptual channel than the visual. On some level, it seems obvious why, but then I puzzle at the obviousness of it. You could say that, like all the other senses (except sight), sound is invisible, and so it is harder to deal with. I suppose lack of vision (the literal kind) is an immediate problem from the moment you get out of bed, whereas lack of hearing is largely a problem of communication in a speech-dominated world (though becoming less so with the prevalence of email, texting, video chat, etc.).

Here is a brief list of animals who are unlikely to contribute to the pocketsphinx project. But vision seems to be compensated for more by touch and smell than hearing.

Regarding the transcription results, it seems less useful to judge them by accuracy than by how amusing the results are. Pocketsphinx isn’t even very funny. I decided to route the audio from my laptop directly into the Mac dictation (results below), which actually works. The text feels more like plausible speech, but it still isn’t great (and Edlund’s voice is quite clear, though there are a number of stutters—but that’s typical). Also, because I used continuous dictation, there is no punctuation and the sentences run on forever. The process was also slow (real time) and locked up the rest of the computer.

I also converted the text back to speech, just because. I couldn’t even get past listening to the first minute. The lack of punctuation is probably the deal breaker here.

Attachment: 03_AC_Podcast_Poltergeist_Excerpts_SpeechTextSpeech.m4a

Be told without the use of the fax and that's what you look like supervisor Richard and let the dust real like much to the picture girlfriend about him or thinking is that it allows for Sarah and get answer and get that he is the reason I'm trying to bring with one of the actors to a seen for 100 takes as he was waiting for that sound get any to happen in and if it didn't happen is okay with having here until it happened and then I'll send you get this magical thing would happen that would be the thing about computer in Asian is that everything that happens has to be in all actually inserted so it's very difficult for soon get this performance to come pick is you have to and watch allies that sure and get this live now he goes to last text to meet Carol at sucking the tire house or so I can you for the house

Call me but like by plane talk to it all slowly into itself running through the script I come up to this sense in the house in clothes now I got your friend more shows a producer of the show is in a Frank this is a $250,000 this is what I said it says him load not explode exploding is easy in floating is some else to do the whole show to put much is it was like whenever it was like the money shot for the movie I know what some of you might be I was like to ask at let you talk and it'll text a lot shot any better than the weight was actually.I just don't think would look forget if we didn't enjoy things to come to the thing you talking about calling all these walls apart of me I don't know I just mean maybe some some and tell me that they could do that I just think it would look intellectual and we'll talk about it a point to make you just have to call text talk to you cause it isn't it's up to compositing was so difficult just to get red of them that mean we went to the most out rages extremes in order to create master would enable us to get motion blur that that that that made it feel like it was a normal shot and now we have did you housing I am in heaven no but I I I love to do use it on some issues at home and send the old way and and have the incredible give abilities we have no digital compositing and in and in that way I'm I think that that would ride to be in the same situation as shooting movie like old guys today it would be more fun because we've the less limited by the group is list of the phone traffic process mean that the boy traffic process was so mean that the win's a note on these these processes were so difficult and so time-consuming and therefore expensive that you know that I was a big fan of the digital world coming along because I didn't feel like the digital world was going to do a way that I don't think it has done away with the old fashion called techniques it's just a minute and get in give us the 20 to be even more bold in the approaching is your problem