Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 22:55:21 -0700
From: Bret Victor
Subject: movie-map
I took our live notes plus Kaldi's delirious transcript from the engelbart-69 viewing yesterday, and made a poster memento of the video, a kind of "video non-digest".

Frames are taken every ten seconds, with the accurately-timed but questionably-accurate transcript for those ten seconds below.  Audience notes are overlaid on the frame, a different color (and emoji) for each participant.  Chapter breaks are chosen by hand.

The poster was composed via a crude web-based "authoring tool" that generates the layout and lets you insert chapter breaks, specify the name and key image for the chapter header, etc.  It should work (with a bit of fiddling) with any video file, and it would be nice to start a habit of doing live annotations as we watch videos, and generating persistent mementos afterwards.  And continuing to explore different designs for both the viewing experience and the memento.


My first pass at this poster was just the images and captions in an unbroken column layout, in order to get a feel for image size, font size, etc. as well as to get something "out in the world" that I could mark up with sticky notes and overlays.

The second pass added annotations, and broke up the grid into chapters, using my old standby chapter header:

The third pass changed the chapter header to display a key image, so you can stand back and skim the big images to find the one that reminds you of what you're looking for, and then step closer to read the details of the chapter.  (Inspired of course by RMO's "drop caps".)

I think I like it better than the 2nd one, but I'm not completely sure yet.

It'll be interesting to see it with source material that isn't so... grey.  (Although it does make the annotation pop.)