Now the Americanah business cards are “links in the world” back to their context in an e-book.

Continuing the spirit of video documentation, Glen helped me record a short demo (1min 41sec):
I used the same Exemplar SVM classification technique as I was using in the LA exhibition. I had trouble using a logitech webcam due to auto-exposure, but the ps3-eye worked fine. (Though tweaking exposure is still, well, tweaking.)
Unlike with the LA project, this does not require a precise alignment of the cards. Instead, I find the four corners of the card (using heuristics from a threshold-contour) and apply a perspective unwarp (I do expect them to be face up, plus or minus 45 degrees). Also unlike the LA project, I trained the classifier on the perfect digital versions of the business cards (i.e. the PDF that was printed), rather than camera images:
That saved a significant amount of time, and it seems to work just as well.
The computer vision code can recognize several cards simultaneously, but I didn’t figure out what I would do with that sort of input data:
Finally, at Glen’s suggestion, I used Applescript/iBooks for the computer re-integration. The script is simple—it just hits Cmd+f and types in the text from the card—but I don’t know how long iBooks is going to take before I can hit “down, return” and its search is sometimes quite slow, so I wait three seconds, which is annoying:
activate application "iBooks"
tell application "System Events"
key code 3 using {command down} -- command+f
keystroke "his body bowed with the humility that poverty had forced on him"
delay 3
key code 125 -- down arrow
key code 36 -- return
end tell
I will bring it to Twitter Book Club now… let’s see if it can be part of a conversation, not its subject.
On May 5, 2015, at 5:43 PM, Robert M Ochshorn wrote:
On May 5, 2015, at 5:40 PM, Robert M Ochshorn wrote:
tweet-length highlights from Americana
Americanah (@#*&@#(*$ autocorrect).
Also, they are tweet-length highlights because I will bring them to the Twitter book club tomorrow.
… maybe with some peek-quotes projector-camera magic