Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:22:32 -0700
From: Robert M Ochshorn
Subject: Fwd: shipping container living
Chaim was asking about my shipping container on the drive back yesterday, and I realized that I hadn’t properly shared photos of it with all of you yet! I think Nagle is the only one who managed to see it in person… 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Robert M Ochshorn
Subject: shipping container living
Date: February 9, 2015 at 5:54:16 PM PST

this was when i first saw my box; it was being used in artist space.

i worked with some people to make holes in it.

these holes were used for a big window and a skylight.

the big window has the original side of the box on a hinge, so you can sort of close the box up

and the skylight opens

we put up double bubble foil insulation and a layer of plywood sheathing

adding a bamboo floor really made the place homey

here’s my friend nick in the box jamming before a brunch i hosted

i didn’t actually photograph the brunch but it was lots of fun. i had 10+ people in the box at any given moment!

The current status of the box is that it is in a West Oakland warehouse. The warehouse is very beautiful

…but even so, I don’t really like the box in there. The skylight doesn’t really make much sense with my rectangle inside of a bigger rectangle.

My current plan is to pay for my spot in the warehouse until the end of July, and try to make some sort of “reading room” interaction there, based on some combination of the LA show “lamp,” DanyQ’s new bookscanner, and yet-to-be-invented technologies and processes. I have no idea what I will do with the container after July.

I have a vague hope is that something will be demonstrable by the end of June and I can find someone who wants to take care of / exhibit the container somewhere. Otherwise, I will either dump it in the desert or try to flip it.
