Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 15:53:28 -0600
From: Dave Cerf
Subject: Re: database of meaning

On Mar 10, 2015, at 8:35 PM, Bret Victor wrote:

This suggests a scale-model room, where the added-by-hand things are represented with physical tokens.  You add a display to the system by literally placing a display token in the model.  

Appending to the list of possible formats for a scale-model-room diorama-database:
(combine with Ken Perlin magic carpet for The Future Of Everything)

Could we take the Let’s Hop on the Train [carpet] and apply it to filmmaking: hit “play” and the train movies along the “tracks,” where each train tie is a media frame. Re-route the tracks through the landscape to alter the order and structure of the film. Add hilly terrain to represent emotional arcs (more and less effort for the train to climb). Add sound effects and ambient sound to scenes by literally putting them on the map (by “them” I mean Glen’s Code Blocks, but representing sound effects, or maybe something more literal, like crickets and cows and vehicles).