Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 14:31:41 -0800
From: Robert M Ochshorn
Subject: Grid Mosaics [9/02/14]
Dear Dave,

Probably my writing this on my old pre-CDG ThinkPad, in my 1976 Emacs
text editor, nested comfortably in a vintage '84 XTerm VT100 terminal
emulator, &c, maybe the dust of history will protect you from the
H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10 AVC payload (contained herein securely in a
'91-era PGP signature block) catching you unawares[1]: I'm not in, with its gorgeous text animations and dubiously
compatible[2] attachment inlining.

Anyway, I'm at Haus, and spent a couple hours mocking up the
meta-griddle experiment that you--even you!--thought could languish as
"just" art.

They still need lots of work, but there were some interesting

First I used RGB color channels to look at three different views
- last decoded frame
- griddle aspect-ratio-preserving thumbnails
- macro-griddle frame closeup thumbnails
  (is it clear what I mean by this, after looking at 03-?)

01-rgb.mp4 - show all three views in respective color channels

02-rb.mp4 - take out the "normal" griddle

03-chunks.mp4 - show only the new macro-griddle (do you see what's
 going on there?)
03a-multicut.png - entire video, with macro-griddle render (!)

04-hsv-multiply.mp4 - this is the closest to my "vision," as described
 last night. it still needs lots of tweaking, but i think there's
 definitely more to explore, especially in terms of interactivity and
 alternative blendings.

What should we do on Wednesday? Maybe if we pick the "song" in
advance, we can both prepare some preliminary experiments? One idea
would be to attempt something interactive around The Whole Griddle
concept, with or without some of the fractal-like anti-hierarchy
studies as here.

Warm valedictions,

   1535: Coverdale Josh. xx. 5 “They shall not delyuer the deedslayer
       in to his handes, for so moch as he hath slayne his neghboure

Bug #1 - 

Screenshots from iPad are stored as PNGs but encoded as JPG when
resized. However, Mail retains the "image.png" filename and even
explicitly advertises the image as "image/png." This breaks inline
images to GMail users in many cases.

At first I thought (hoped! wished!) it could be Google's bug, but
after further investigation concluded that Apple was in the wrong.

Bug #2 -

Inline document attachments are interpreted by Microsoft Exchange
users (such as my father) as the end of message, and there are no
facilities for reading text under the first attachment.

This is likely Microsoft's bug.

Bug #3 -

Reporting a bug to Apple requires a Developer Account. When I first
ran into #1, I couldn't figure out how to report a bug without paying
$100. Long story, but I paid the $100 for an IOS subscription, and it
seems that now I can report this bug. To be continued.