Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 16:50:36 -0800
From: Robert M Ochshorn
Subject: app/territory (v2.5) - "exploding cello" [9/11/14]
Dear Rob, and I include Nicolas because he just wrote amused to find me on French TV reruns, and also because there’s a part of him in this project, to be sure.

The cello recordings you sent are gorgeous. I think they work even better than the sax. I’d so love to hear what you make with this, or any scraps along the way (you may want to filter the audio a bit, as some of the edges can be a bit sharp).

I ended up using three different “maps” for the sound, for three different sample banks. Since I partitioned the samples based entirely on numerology, I couldn’t tell the difference between any of the sections, so I tweaked the algorithmic weights/features used in each spatialization. Can you hear the timbral/harmonic differences suggested by each?

I hope the set-up will be reasonably straightforward on Hanae’s iPad (or whatever else you try it on), though getting these things to work offline is always a dance. Here’s what worked for me:
1. when you have a good Internet connection (the instrument weighs 33mb), go to the website and immediately save it to the home screen; 
2. close the web browser; 
3. open on the home screen and wait until the “Please wait” magenta indicator goes away;
4. close it and open it again —you shouldn’t see the “Downloading” bar this time (but wait for it if it insists); 
5. close it, switch to airplane mode, and open it again. Maybe it’ll work? 

Good luck with it this weekend!

Your correspondent,
