Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 12:32:09 -0800
From: Bret Victor
Subject: diorama timelines [11/22/14]
Diorama Displays are the Future.  You heard it here first.

Application: maxwell, faraday, Lorentz, hertz, ...  
Model after CDG library -- nice lighting, lying on couch, coffee table with dynamic materials forming representation of maxwell-faraday-etc space (in two or three dimensions)

This came from reading the Lorentz book "The Theory of Electrons" -- he mentions Maxwell, Heaviside, and Hertz, and I wanted to be able to see where they were in relation to each other and each others' work.  After I made the diorama, I was reading Nahin's biography of Heaviside, and I indeed was able to glance up and see where the mentioned events were in relation to, for example, Maxwell's papers.

This seems to be a "useful frustration" that I've been cultivating for a while -- reading a narrative that mentions particular people, places, and times, and wanting to see them in context -- wanting the "reading" of a book to be movement around (or at least take place in) a structured "history space".  Plain Narrative is so unstructured!  It's like algebraic paragraphs before notation was invented.

"A non-narrative understanding of history. "