Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2015 21:25:38 -0800
From: Bret Victor
Subject: spatializing the file system
I was thinking, "how do you create an app, where does it live, how do you get to it", and the answer is obviously "a label". You create an app by generating a new app label, and sticking it somewhere. That label *is* the app, not some directory in some filesystem somewhere. You launch the app by zapping the label. If you zap it while saying the word "edit", it brings up an editor on a nearby surface. If you zapping it while saying "duplicate", a new label is printed out, and you can stick that somewhere else. When we have a poster diagram of the entire system (the meta-project), that poster will *be* the interface to the system internals. (That is, we will bring up a module in an editor by edit-zapping that part of the poster, etc.)