Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2015 12:15:43 -0800
From: Toby Schachman
Subject: Apparatus (Interactive Diagram) snapshot
I decided to revisit my foundations based on the column view / scoping discussion I had with Bret. So I'm starting a new iteration on the project.

Also the project is trying on its new name: Apparatus.

For posterity, here is a latest snapshot of the old iteration:
  • Drag shapes in from the left.
  • Select by clicking a shape or clicking it in the Outline.
  • You can select "into" a group by double clicking (like Sketch).
  • In the Inspector and Variables panels, you can use any coffeescript code (New: including multiple lines). The main coffeescript nicety in this context is sugar for ranges: [0...5] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]. Other than that it's basically javascript. Math functions (sin, abs, etc) are built in and everything is overloaded to work component-wise over arrays.
  • Option+drag over a number to scrub it. Sorry, scrubbing's not implemented in the new code editor.
  • New: Drag shapes in the Outline to reorder / reparent them.
  • New: Recursion works (will draw to a max depth of 40ish I think)
Keyboard commands:
  • Backspace to remove the currently selected shape.
  • G to group the currently selected shape.
  • A to add an anchor to a path (or start a new path).
  • Ctrl+S to save a JSON file. Drag a JSON file in to load it.
  • Ctrl+R to reset (it will save automatically).
There are a couple more examples here,