Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 07:10:09 -0800
From: Robert M Ochshorn
Subject: Re: research gallery / wall-blog
We have many books! Even just reading/writing their titles takes a long time.

This is not an artist’s rendering of them (~4mb metadata):

…but this is a fairly thorough list of the main bookshelf, minus the table:

 + + + 

Understanding Comics - Scott McCloud
Reinventing Comics - Scott McCloud
Expressive Anatomy for Comics and Narrative - Will Eisner
Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative - Will Eisner
Comics & Sequential Art - Will Eisner
DC Comics Guide to Coloring and Lettering Comics
Faster than a Speeding Bullet: The Rise of the Graphic Novel - Stephen Weiner
How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way
Perspective! For Comic Book Artists - Chelsea
The Visual Language of Comics - Neil Cohn
The Comics of Chris Ware: Drawing is a Way of Thinking - Ball/Kuhlman
Chris Ware - Daniel Raeburn
Krazy Kat: The Comic Art of George Herriman - McDonnell O’Connell De Havenon

The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation - Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston
3D Art Essentials - Chopine
3D Animation Essentials - Beane
How to Make Animated films - white
grammar of the film language - arijon

Game Design
racing the beam - montfort and bogost
chris crawford on game design - crawford
homo ludens - huizinga
how to do things with video games - bogost

The splendor of islamic calligraphy - abbelkebir Khatibi & Mohammed Sijelmassi
the elements of typographic style - robert bringhurst
the secret history of letters - simon loxley
calligraphy - arthur baker

Interface Design
the essentials of interaction design - cooper Reimann
the art of interactive design - crawford
designing interactions - bill moggridge
the humane interface - raskin
the art of human-computer interface design - laurel

industrial design
human engineering guide for equipment designers 2nd ed
designing for people - dreyfuss
the design of everyday things - donald a norman
small things considered - henry petroski

visual design
Understanding Color: An Introduction for Designers
interaction of color - josef albers
the nature and art of workmanship - david pye
logic and design - barratt
a history of graphic design - meggs
universal principles of design
the non-designers design book 2nd ed - robin williams

visual thinking
the nature and aesthetics of design - david pye
visual thinking - arnheim
art and visual perception - arnheim
The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry - hambridge
drawing on the right side of the brain - betty edwards
laws of seeing - metzger
the ecological approach to visual perception - gibson
the back of the napkin - dan roam
on the rationalization of sight - ivins

information design
the visual display of quantitative information - tufte
envisioning information  - tufte
visual explanation - tufte
beautiful evidence - tufte
graphic discovery - wainer
show me the numbers: designing tables and graphs to enlighten
information dashboard design: displaying data for at-a-glance monitoring
Visual Strategies: A Practical Guide to Graphics for Scientists and Engineers
the commercial and political atlas and statistical breviary - playfair
visualizing data - william s cleveland
semiology of graphics - jacques bertin
visual complexity: mapping patterns of information - manuel lima
the book of trees - manuel lima
information graphics: a comprehensive illustrated reference - harris
graph design for the eye and mind - kosslyn
the grammar of graphics - wilkinson
cartographies of time - rosenberg and grafton
on the maps - simon garfield
eda - tukey
the collected works of john w tukey: time series: 1949-1964
the collected works of john w tukey: philosophy and principles of data analysis: 1965-1986
the collected works of john w tukey: graphics: vol v
the elements of graphing data - cleveland

how buildings learn - stewart brand
introduction to architecture - ching eckler
a visual dictionary of architecture - ching
notes on the synthesis of form - alexander
a pattern language - alexander ishikawa
the death and life of great american cities - jane jacobs
how to read bridges - denison
the timeless way of building - christopher alexander

the art of description world into word - mark doty
mother tongue - bill bryson
language myths - laurie bauer & peter trudgill
maps of the imagination: the writer as cartographer - peter turchi
the devil’s dictionary - bierce
the power of myth - joseph campbell
artful sentences: syntax as style - virginia tufte
all the fun’s in how you say a thing: an explanation of meter and versification - steele
the careful writer - theodore m bernstein
roget’s thesaurus
webster’s 9th new collegiate dictionary

music theory
harmonic experience- - mathieu
on the sensations of tone - helmholtz
how equal temperment ruined harmony - ross w duffin
temperment - stuart isacoff
traces of dance - l louppe d dobbels p virilio r thom
choreo-graphics - ann hutchinson guest

getting more - stuart diamond
made to stick - chip heath & dan heath
switch - chip heath & dan heath
why we buy the science of shopping - paco underhill
influence - robert b ciadini

the mythical man-month - brooks
peopleware - demarco & lister
the innovator’s dilemma - clayton m christensen
the essential drucker - peter f drucker
cut and fold techniques for promotional materials - paul jackson

computer leib dream machines - nelson
what to do after you hit return
whole earth catalog
whole earth epilog
the last whole earth catalog
the next whole earth catalog
whole earth - rheingold
the essential whole earth catalog
whole earth software catalog 1.0
how things don’t work - papaneck and hennessey

technology & culture
free software free society - rms
what technology wants - kevin kelly
out of control - kelly
the nature of technology - w brian arthur
the clock of the long now - stewart brand
amusing outselves to death - neil postman
technopoly - postman
convergence culture - jenkins
small pieces loosely joined - weinberger
here comes everybody - clay shirky
remix - lawrene lessig
code - lawrence lessig
computers and society - hamming
the condition of man - mumford
technics and civilization - mumford
science and human values - j bronowski
the identity of man - bronowski
the coming of the body - herve juvin
the computer age - dertouzos and moses, eds
by our own devices - edward tenner
computer power and human reason - weizenbaum

the new medium
understanding media mcluhan
the domestication of the savage mind - jack goody
the bias of communication - innis
narrative across media - ryan
augmenting human intellect - engelbart
memory machines - belinda barnet
computer lib - nelson
literary machines 93.1 - nelson
hamlet on the holodek - murray
persuasive games - bogost
software takes command - manovich
mirror worlds - gelernter
viewpoint: twoard a computer for visual thinkers - s e kim
media and symbols the forms of expression, communication, and education - olson
libraries of the future - licklider
visual grammars for visual languages - fred lakin

how children learn - holt
learning all the time - holt
how to survive in your native land - james hernon
the end of education - neil postman
what’s math got to do with it - jo boaler
mindstorms - seymour papert
the children’s machine - seymour papert
the connected family - papert
the educated mind - kieran egan
life in classrooms - jackson
on knowing - bruner
toward a theory of instruction - bruner
actual minds, possible worlds - bruner
changing minds - disessa
what video games have to teach us about learning and literacy - james paul gee
dumbing us down - john taylor gatto
a different kind of teacher - gatto
weapons of mass instruction - gatto
the underground history of american education - gatto

the mind
frames of mind - gardner
origins of the modern mind - donald
the society of mind - minsky
godel escher bach - hofstadter
the large, the small and hte human mind - penrose
the origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind - julian jaynes
the master and his emissary - iain mcgilchrist
the quest for consciousness - koch
in search of memory - eric r kandel
on intelligence - jef hawkins
mind wide open - steven johnson
the meme machine - susan blackmore
vehicles - braitenberg

concepts & metaphors
understanding computers and cognition - winograd
fluid concepts and creative analogies - hofstadter
surfaces and essences - hofstadter
creative model construction in scientists and students - clement
women, fire, and dangerous things - george lakoff
the way we think - fauconnier turner
metaphors we live by - lakoff & johnson
alien phenomenology, or what it’s like to be a thing - bogost
origins of human communication - tomasello

embodied thinking
where mathematics comes from - lakoff nunez
evocative objects - turkle, ed
descartes’ error - antonio r damasio
where the action is - dourish
cognition in the wild - hutchins
being there - clark
the inner game of tennis - w timothy gallwey
impro - keith johnstone
simulation and its discontents - turkle

creativity and ideas
the gift - lewis hyde
common as air - lewis hyde
the artist’s way - cameron
flow - csikszentmihalyi
good work - gardner csikszentmihalyi damon
making ideas happen - scott belsky
where good ideas come from - steven johnson
the act of creation - arthur koestler

scientific creativity
how to solve it - polya
induction and analogy in mathematics - polya
patterns of plausible inference - polya
mathematical discovery: on understanding learning and teaching problem solving
the engelbart hypothesis - landau clegg engelbart
the art of doing science and engineering: learning to learn - hamming

philosophy of science
what is this thing called science - chalmers
the structure of scientific revolutions - kuhn
scientific discovery - langley simon
against method - paul feyerabend
falling for science - turkle, ed
the origins of knowledge and imagination - bronowski
science in action - latour
reliable knowledge - john ziman

deschooling society - ivan illich
disabling professions  - ivan illich
tools for conviviality - ivan illich
no logo - naomi klein
the omega seed - paolo soleri
confessions of an economic it man - john perkins
born to buy - juliet b schor
the disappearance of childhood - postman
the savage mind - claude levi-strauss
the naked ape - desmond morris
utopia or oblivion - r buckminster fuller
synergetics - fuller
operating manual for spaceship earth - fuller

cultural history
a people’s history of the united states - howard zinn
guns germs and steel - jared diamond
thinking in time - neustadt may
lies my teacher told me - james w loewen

our choice - al gore
ecocities building cities in balance with nature
the omnivore’s dilemma - michael pollan
the ecoiolgy of commerce - paul hawken
the world without us - alan weisman
cradle to cradle - William McDonough & Michael Braungart
whole earth discipline - stewart brand

numerical methods (?)
introduction to applied numerical analysis - hamming
numerical methods for scientists and engineers - hamming
convex optimization - boyd and vanderberghe

history of math
mathematics and its history - utm
ways of thought of great mathematicians - meschkowski
a concise history of mathematics - struk
journey through genius - william dunham
a history of chinese mathematics - martzloff
king of infinite space - giobhan roberts
chaos - james gleik
oliver heaviside - nahin
the lady tasting tea - david salsburg
henri poincare - gray
henri poincare - verhulst
essays in the history of lie groups and algebraic groups - arnaud borel
emergence of the theory of lie groups: an essay in the history of mathematics - hawkins
mathematics the loss of certainty - kline

history of numbers & notation
the universal history of numbers - ifrah
zero - charles seife
an imaginary tale: the story of i - nahin
gamma - havil
number words and number symbols - menninger
a history of mathematical notations - cajon
enlightening symbols - mazur
numbers - ebbinghaus et al
mathematical notation - scheinerman

1st person historical math
euclid’s elements
the geometry - descartes
the rulers of algebra - cardano
an introduction to mathematics - whitehead
lectures on elementary mathematics - lagrange
lewis carroll’s symbolic logic - bartley
mathematical logic - kleene
the laws of thought - boole
a mathematician’s apology - hardy
the world of mathematics vol1-4 - james newman

math (misc)
mathematics: its content, methods and meaning
elementary mathematics: arithmatic algebra, analysis - klein
elementary mathematics: geometry - klein
nonlinear dynamics and chaos - strogatz
visual complex analysis - needham
visual complex functions - wegert
on numbers and gams - conway
winning ways - berlekamp conway guy
numbers - d e knuth
flatland - abbott
div grad curl and all that - schey
measurement - lockhart
pearls of discrete mathematics - erickson
indiscrete thoughts - rota
discrete thoughts - kac, rota
bypasses - melzak

geometric algebra
geometric algebra for computer science
geometric algebra for physicists - doran and lasenby
linear and geometric algebra - macdonald
vector and geometric calculus - macdonald
clifford algebra to geometric calculus - hestenes sobczyk

groups and symmetry
regular polytopes - coxeter
groups and their graphs - grossman magnus
symmetry - mcweeny
symmetry - weyl
the symmetries of things - conway

the elements of euclid - oliver bryne
turtle geometry - abelson and disessa
the fractal geometry of nature - mandelbrot
the geometry of art and life - ghyka
new horizons in geometry - apostol mamikon

geometric construction
practical geometry and engineering graphics - abbott
engineering descriptive geometry
graphic statics - fairman and cutshall
a history of engineering drawing - b j booker
the history and development of nomograpy - evesham
the design of diagrams for engineering formulas and the toeory of nomograpy

probability & ai
theory of probability - jeffreys
data analysis a bayesian tutorial - sivia
probabalistic graphical models - koller and friedman
artificial intelligence a modern approach - russell norvig
machine learning - mitchell
heuristics: intelligent search strategies for computer problem solving - pearl
perceptrons - minsky and papert

systems & modeling
the systems bible - john gall
an introduction to general systems thinking - weinberg
general principles of systems design - weinberg
introduction to engineering design - woodson
systematic systems approach - athey
theory of modelling and simulation - zeigler
the nature of mathematical modelling - gershenfeld
alternate realities: mathematical models of nature and man - casti
living control systems: the fact of control - william t powers
six degrees - duncan j watts
emergence - steven johnson
cybernetcis - wiener
the human use of human beigns - weiner
selected papers - norbert weiner
purposive systems - von foerser

signal processing
signals & systems - oppenheim willsky
discrete-time signal processing - oppenheim schafer
multirate systems and filter banks - vaidyanathan

information theory
elements of information theory - cover thomas
an introduction to analog and digital communications - haykin
data compression - seyood
information and randomness - calude
grammatical man - jeremey campbell

3d computer graphics
3d math primer for graphics and game development - dunn parberry
the nature of code - daniel shiffman

circuit design
logic synthesis - devadas ghosh 
introduction to vlsi systems - mead conway
digital integrated circuits a design perspective - rabaey
analog integrated circuit design - johns martin
analysis and design of analog integrated circuits - gray meyer
analog circuit design: art science and personalities - williams
fields and waves in communication electronics - ramo whinnery van duzer

relativity visualized - epstein
perspectives and other drawing systems - fred dubery and john willats
solving geometric constraint systems - kramer
the hero with a thousand faces - joseph campbell
how round is your circle? - bryant and sangwin
vicious circles - barwise & moss
visualization in teaching and learning mathematics - zimmerman

history of science
the discoverers - boorstin
hidden histories of science - silvers
the metaphysical foundation of modern science - burtt
the man who saw through time - eisley
a history of mechanical inventions - usher
the clockwork universe - edward dolnick
longitude - dava sobel
faraday as a discoverer - tyndall
john von neumann - norman macrae
subatomic particles - weinberg
a force of nature - richard reeves
tesla: man out of time - margaret cheney
warmth disperses and time passes - hans christian von beyer
the mystery of metamorphosis - ryan
a short history of nearly everything - bill bryson
genius - james gleick
francis crick - matt ridley
suspended in language - ottaviani & purvis
wind wizard - roberts
a feeling for the organism - keller
the birth of the modern - paul johnson
great physicists - cropper
codex leicester - leonardo da vinci
time and timekeepers - thompson
clocks and culture - carlo m cipolla
the lunar men - jenny uglow
the making of the atomic bomb - richard rhodes
the victorian internet - tom standage
brilliant blunders - mario livio
the best of all possible worlds - ivar ekeland

1st person historical science
discourse on bodies in water - galileo
observations of the geometric and military compass - galileo
dialogue concerning the two chief world systems - galileo
treatise on light - huygens
newton’s principia
faraday’s experimental researches in electricity - howard j fisher
the scientific papers of james clerk mawell
the dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field - maxwell
the collected works of j willard gibbs vol 1 & 2
calculating engines - babbage
the value of science - henri poincare
the electron - millikan
the theory of electrons - lorentz
physics and beyond - heisenberg
relativity - albert einstein
the evolution of physics - einstein & infeld
surely you’re joking mr feynman! - feynman
feynman lectures on computation
on the origin of species - darwin
the double helix - watson
consilience: the unity of knowledge- edward wilson
my intentions and other writings - nikola tesla
a life decoded - j craig venter
what is life? - schrodinger
the art of the soluble - p b meadawar
collected papers - claude elwood shannon
the annotated turing
a dictionary of scientific quotations

history of computers
enemies of logic - martin davis
the idea factory - jon gertner
revolution in miniature - braun & macdonald
from counterculture to cyberculture - fred turner
what the dormouse said - john markoff
where wizards stay up late - katie hafner matthew lyon
the closed world - edwards
dealers of lightning - hiltzik
the unix-haters handbook - garfinkel
the man who invented the computer - jane smiley
the information - james gleick
coders at work - seibel
hackers - steven levy
insanely great - steven levy
revolution in the valley: the insanely great story of how the mac was made
the dream machine - w mitchell waldrop
the soul of a new machine - tracy kidder
a few good men from univac - lundstrom
tools for thought - rheingold
geeks bearing gifts - nelson
turing’s cathedral - george dyson

programming languages
apl: the language and its usage - polivka
the design and evolution of c++ - stroustrup
the annotated c++ reference manual - stroustrup
the joy of clojure - fogus houser
eiffel - meyer
programming erlang - armstrong
forth - salman tisserand toulout
introduction to fortran - plumb
the little schemer - friedman felleisen
the seasoned schemer - friedman felleisen
the reasoned schemer - friedman felleisen
the little mler - friedman felleisen
the space and motion of communicating agents - milner
lucid, the dataflow programming language 
programming in lua - roberto lerusalimschy
clause and effect - clocksin
functional programming in scala - chiusano runar
sketchpad - sutherland
smalltalk-80: the interactive programming environment - goldberg
smalltalk-80: the language - goldberg
smalltalk-80: bits of history, words of advice - goldberg
the texbook - knuth
the metafontbook - knuth
tex: the program - knuth
metafont: the program - knuth

how to design programs - felleisen, findler, flatt, and krishnamurthi
design patterns - gamma helm
the art of the metaobject protocol - kiczales bobrow
elements of programming - stepanov mcjones
structure and interpretation of computer programs - abelson and sussman
concepts, techniques, and models of computer programming - van roy & haridi
types and programming languages - pierce
essentials of programming languages - friedman and wand
advanced compiler design & implementation - muchnick
introduction to algorithms - cormen leiserson
programming pearls - bentley
hacker’s delight - warren
computation: finite and infinite machines - minsky

architecture 80s
computer architecture a quantitative approach - hennessy & patterson
the architecture of symbolic computers - kogge
modern operating systems - tanebaum
the design of the unix operating system - bach
capability-based computer systems - levy
hard real-time computing systems - giorgio buttazzo

the feynman lectures on physics vol i - iii
six easy pieces - feynman
new foundations for classical mechanics - by david hestenes
structure and interpretation of classical mechanics - sussman and wisdom
a guide to feynman diagrams in the many-body problem - mattuck
the universe in a nutshell - hawking
the quark and the jaguar - gell-mann
the science of radio - paul j nahin
collective electrodynamics
facing up - steven weinberg
lake views - weinberg
dreams of a final theory - weinberg

on growth and form - thompson
the red queen - matt ridley
genome - matt ridley
the selfish gene - dawkins
biopunk - marcus wohlsen
monkeyluv - robert m sapolsky
biocosm - james n gardner
the stuff of life - schultz
the blind watchmaker - dawkins

picture books
atlas of science - borner
the world we live in - life
things come apart - todd mclellan
the art of the engineer - baynes & pugh
codex seraphinianus
the vanishing american outhouse - barlow
renaissance engineers from brunelleschi to leonardo da vinci
m.c. escher his life and complete graphic work
the graphic work - m c escher
the book of kells - sir edward sullvan
structure systems - engel
the new way things work - macaulay
the way things work - macaulay
the way we work - macaulay
underground - macaulay
built to last - macaulay
eyewitness books: book
pictorial history of roadbuilding - wixom
marine biology coloring book
the book of kells - bernartd meehan
mineral recognition - vanders kerr
the elements - theodore gray
howtoons tools of mass construction - griffith dragotta
the engineers’ illustrated thesaurus - herbert herkimer
paterson field guide to birds - peterson
magritte universe
beach stones - iselin
pictoria webster’s pocket dictionary

cute math
the book of codes - lunde
visual mathematis series - desai 
100 diagrams that changed the world - scott christianson
the science book - susan greenfield simon singh
mathematical carnival - martin gardner
the einstein theory of relativity - lieber
quadrivium - wooden books
sciencia - wooden books
the equations - sander bais
sacred geometry - lundy
harmonograph - ashton
useful formulae - watkins
symmetry - wade
perspective - mcnaughton
sacred number - lundy
math in minutes - paul glendinning
science in seconds - hazel muir

safari - kainen kaufmann
dinosaurs - robert sabuda & matthew reinhart
the pop-up book of phobias - morrow

junk box
physical level - black
the art of looking sideways
mathematics in a changin world - holt marjoram
the nature of solids - holden
a handbook of integer sequences - sloane
yip - kam
an atlas of fullerenes - fowler and manolopoulos
beyond the third dimension - banchoff
experiments in four dimensions - heiserman
imagining the tenth dimension - bryanton
a dictionary of named effects and laws - ballentyne
1001 questions answered about the seashore - berrill
guide to the literature of mathematics and physics - parke

math junk box
geometric theory of diffraction - hensen
advanced engineering mathematics - wylie
a first look a perturbation theory - simmonds & mann
differential equations - johnson
hyperbolic functions - mcmahon
theory of determinants
theory of wing sections - abbott doenhoff
metric spaces - bryant
turbulent flow - schubauer
small perturbation theory - w r sears
atomic spectra & atomic structure - herzberg
diffraction coherence in optics - francon
a manual of mathematics - hudson and lipka
examples of differential equations - osborne
the laplace transformation - jaeger

misc (?)
the playful brain - scott kim
the art of tinkering - exploratorium
planning office spaces a practical guide for managers and designers
make space - scott doorley withoft
interaction group, disney research
shakespeare - bill bryson
a field guide to little-known & seldom-seen birds
mr. wilson’s cabinet of wonder
invisible cities - calvino
gettings things done - david allen
GET LAMP - a documentary about adventures in text
the evolution of the heat engine - ivo kolin

On Dec 16, 2014, at 1:42 AM, Bret Victor wrote:

Artist's rendition.
