Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 01:31:50 -0800
From: Bret Victor
Subject: 12/15/2014
Smallest Federated Wiki "design jam" with RMO, Toby, Glen this morning.  Ended up talking about Federated Wiki in general, and trying to understand it.  Good conversation.  Printed out pages to spread over table at lunch.

Updated research gallery system so a message can have multiple labels.

RMO has the laser-grid bringing up a link.

really great conversation with RMO at night about what we could use the laser+projector+camera system for, throughout the space:
Putting labels anywhere (not just on a grid) by slapping down the label and zapping the corner points.
Imagemapping the entire space (defining "links" on any surface).  
Defining sliders on any surface, and using them to control parameters.
In the library, pointing to books to bring up a condensed (overlapping) view of the whole, and then moving within there to bring a specific page to an iPad.  Three levels -- view of the whole library, view of the whole book, and detail of a specific page.
Highlighting books (on the shelf) that match a search query, or are cited by the book currently read, or cite the book currently read
Zapping over a range of books, seeing them all float up (as overview) into the space above the shelf, letting them linger for a while before fading out.  Seeing annotations left by others.  Zapping annotations and having them print out.
Hyperlinking the poster of chaim's class
Laser-powered diorama display -- zap maxwell's papers to read them on the iPad
Audio triggers -- rimshot or canned laughter.
Office of the future -- cameras are cheaper than desks!  The futuristic "augmentation" is actually cheaper than the furniture.

This could be our xerox alto -- a system that we all build, and all live in and use every day and extend, and all make little throwaway applications in very easily.