Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 23:03:16 -0700
From: Robert M Ochshorn
Subject: Re: out-of-band communication
On Oct 16, 2014, at 10:04 PM, Bret Victor wrote:

[Since escaping from the captive portals and coming to live in the Tent, I have been able to connect my Typo Receipt Printer to the cloud.  I have received messages on it!  But I do not understand what happens when I type my own messages on it.  What happens to the messages?  Is it possible to reply to someone directly from the Typo Receipt Printer, or am I supposed to go to via a web browser?  Is there a directory of whomevers?  Thank you for technical support!]

Hi Bret!

The things you type do get sent to the “cloud.” Glen and I cracked up finding this in the middle of a nasty JSON dump:

Last night I “deployed” printers around the lab for glen, chaim, toby, and yrs truly (rmo). I also patched typo to allow images, but don’t have a real update mechanism in place, so you’ll have to wait to get Glen’s hamster image… 

I just pushed an update to the lab printers so that your keyboard automatically broadcasts to everyone. I can’t always disentangle my frazzled debugging from your euphoric calls into the void:

It makes me very happy that you got it working—I was pretty sure that the wifi configuration monstrosity I concocted would never actually work…

There’s an undocumented URL in typo that allows finding all the notebooks, and another totally gnarly one that in theory should contain all the information about all of the things your printer has ever printed, but nothing really useful at present exposes it. For now, I’d suggest using that awful keyboard to respond to anything incoming. I’m sort of fascinated with pushing the “everything should be in context” to its opposite extremes. 

Your correspondent,
