Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 10:34:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alan Kay
Subject: Re: [CDG] Seeing Spaces

I like to explain STEM in historical order (and use the "T" for something better than the redundant term "Techonology", so:

Tinkering Engineering Mathematics Science as overlapped ellipses.

I think of Engineering historically as "principled ways of next steps after Tinkering" and many of these used cookbooks before math came along, and many of them helped get math invented.

This is a good one!



From: Bret Victor <bret-****************>
To: Communications Design Group <****************>
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 10:01 AM
Subject: [CDG] Seeing Spaces

My EG talk from last month is online:

I've apparently reached the stage of my career where I no longer make things, but just draw pictures of them and wish they existed.  Hey, it worked for Vannevar Bush.

(Okay, that's not really true.  I didn't draw the pictures.)

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