Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 21:28:34 -0700
From: Bret Victor
Subject: Research Agenda v0.19
Friends, Here's the new revision of the "Research Agenda + Floor Plan". This is the "beta" version, perhaps. Let me know if you have comments or suggestions. In a week or so, I'll send out a version that people can start passing around more widely. Much of the individual project content is only lightly changed, but everything's changed around it. There's new preamble, and new postamble, and a lot of renaming and restructuring. The page that everyone found confusing has been replaced by a brand new "Dynamic Mathematics" page, which is also confusing. Also, it's no longer a floor plan. In my head, every sentence in this document is a pointer to an example, either in an existing prototype or one to be designed. Those pointers are not yet outside my head, but hopefully someday there will be an Annotated Version that makes things more concrete. Really, the entire document is just kind of a skeleton to hang demos on. Also, in preparing for the open house, I discovered this thing's True Form. It doesn't want to be a stack of pages. It wants to take up a wall: Literally half of the pages in the document are just there to maintain a sense of context that the poster gives for free. Going back to the document after looking at the poster feels like drinking from a thimble. (I recommend viewing this on your ten-foot-wide 600 DPI display which I assume everyone must have because it's 2014 right?) Purveying impossible dreams, -Bret